Danya Zituni in The Daily Beast: Silencing of Pro-Palestinian Voices Proves Israel Is Losing

Communications Manager Danya Zituni wrote an important op-ed in The Daily Beast on why the machine of anti-Palestinian repression is failing:

"We are in the third month of the catastrophic U.S.-backed Israeli bombardment of Gaza and the ensuing tsunami of anti-Palestinian repression that has swept the country.

Jinan Chehade, who was to be one of the only visible Arab Muslim woman associates at the white shoe law firm Foley and Lardner LLP nationwide, had a job offer rescinded because of her social media posts in support of Palestinian rights. But when I spoke to her, she was resolute and unswerving—she asserted, “The cost of my silence would have been much greater than the cost of speaking out.”

Jinan’s story demonstrates an unsilenceable truth: that the machine of anti-Palestinian repression is failing.

At the time of writing, the estimated death toll in Gaza exceeds 19,000 Palestinians—higher than the Nakba in 1948, when 750,000 Palestinians were driven out of their homes and the state of Israel was founded as a settler colonial project. The Israeli military is carrying out these atrocity crimes with billions of dollars’ worth of U.S. attack aircraft and precision-guided bombs.

The U.S. ruling establishment has failed miserably to control the narrative of this genocidal war. Stenographers to power are being widely mocked and protested for parroting the Israeli military’s comically bad disinformation brimming with debunked facts. Hundreds of thousands of people have taken increasingly bold actions to demand an immediate ceasefire, a position that the majority of U.S. voters now support, even as the Biden administration callously insists on a lone UN Security Council veto.

Because they cannot win the debate, the machine of anti-Palestinian repression has been working overtime to censor, punish, threaten, and criminalize the most basic expressions for Palestinian freedom.

At Palestine Legal, our team has witnessed an exponential surge in requests for support from people facing suppression of their advocacy for Palestine, like nothing we’ve seen before—over 1,000 since Oct. 7.